28 Things for 28 Years: JOMO



I turned 28 last Thursday, celebrations ensued over the weekend and I thought I’d share a compilation of learnings I’ve gotten from everywhere: life, fuck ups, yoga, meditation, running, sugar crashing, knowing thyself and therapy.

I had a conversation with great friends – ones I don’t see often, but always have excellent insights to share when we get together. One of them has a penchant for predicting trends, and she’s stuck JOMO, the joy of missing out. There’s a personal freedom that comes with not knowing what everyone else is doing at all times, isn’t there, once FOMO has fatigued you?

I feel both, often (see #26), but delight in possibility of JOMO catching on. Maybe it starts with wellness?

1. When answering the question “what’s wrong with me” the answer is most likely “not enough sleep.”

2. There are times when you can have your cake and eat it too without having to worry about the catch. Don’t look for the catch. Just fucking enjoy it!

3. V-neck, halter, racer back, T-straps will always be my necklines of choice. They’ll work for you too, if you’re small chested and able-shouldered.

4. The grass will always be greener unless you appreciate what you have right now.

5. If at first you don’t succeed, it will inevitably suck for a while before you try again. Do it anyway.

6. The more sugar you eat the more you crave. The less you eat, the less you crave.

7. Muscling through it might be affirming or gratifying. For me, it’s a sign that I need to let go and breathe into the resistance to soften and realign, letting the universe take its course.

8. You can be empathetic and stand up for yourself. It’s called dynamism.

9. Haters gonna hate!

10. If you don’t like the process of something, GTFO. Also, it’s really ok to stop a book mid-way, do not feel guilty.

11. It took 10 years to appreciate, but small boobs are actually fantastic.

12. Invest in clothes that don’t wrinkle easily, so you can shove them into your weekender for the inevitable last-minute trip.

13. Honor your rhythm, but don’t get stuck in it. Enjoy observing the beat of the city, the night owls, the party people, the freelance folk, artists, entrepreneurs, designers, baristas, yoga teachers, writers, fitness instructors and other creatives, and know that the way you’re going right now isn’t the only way.

14. Most of the time, buying a thing will not make you feel better long term. Making a thing might, saving for a thing might, spending on a trip might.

15. Money is just a means to an end. It is not character.

16. Don’t listen to government-regulated food authorities, they know exactly what they’re doing and generally none of it is good.

17. It takes a shit ton of brain power to be truly original.

18. We are made to fit ourselves. Take a yoga class and try it some time.

19. Emotions are stored in the body. Without regular movement and self love we’re bound to stop up.

20. It is in fact possible to be a cat and a dog person simultaneously. But your cat might turn out kinda like a dog.

21. Sometimes it’s ok to say fuck perfectionism and just put something out there.

22. But if it doesn’t meet your standards, do. not. do. it. People in this world who are most successful are the way they are due to a set of standards that no one else had.

23. Wine tastes much better after a great workout, amiright?

24. Your worth is not based in your appearance or intelligence. Your worth is what you mean to yourself, to others and your legacy here on this planet.

25. So you fucked up. What did you learn from it? Move on.

26. Everyone has duality, and duality creates internal resistance. Honor both sides.

27. Feeling unrushed is my favorite luxury.

28. All we truly have is the present moment. Everything else is a thought, a fragment, a feeling, a figment.

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